Questions candidates get asked - Primary School Teacher
Questions candidates get asked in job interviews: Primary School Teacher

We deal with hundreds of clients going for job interview each year – and we’re constantly asking them what they get asked.
This a collection of those very questions. We update it on an ongoing basis and hope you find it useful. If you would like to submit to us questions you’ve been asked, email


These are actual questions asked of our clients in job interviews

  • What personal qualities do you bring?
  • Why primary over secondary?
  • Why teaching?
  • What qualities would you bring from [other studies]?
  • Ethos of the school, how would you contribute?
  • How would you fit into the staff room?
  • Where do you sit re introversion/extroversion?
  • On your app you said you have been brought up to live an honest life, how?
  • Favourite lesson to teach?
  • Least favourite to teach?
  • How do you feel about moving to Dublin?
  • Where do you want to stand in your personal life in ten years time?
  • Scenario: a fight breaks out in yard, what do you do?
  • If you were to write to the Department of Education, what would you change about the curriculum?
  • How would you deal with conflict with a colleague?
  • How would you describe your teaching style?
  • What are the key elements of a professional code of conduct for teachers?
  • What aspect of your experience most prepares you for this role?
  • How do you keep your skills current?
  • How do you handle behavioural issues such as bullying in the classroom?
  • How would you motivate disinterested pupils?
  • What makes a good team? Give me an example of a time when you worked in an effective team or name a time when you lead a project/group in your school.
  • How important are the arts in education?
  • How important is teamwork?
  • What do you think of tumoideachas (total immersion in Irish)? [This question was asked in a Gaeltacht-based school].
  • How will you contribute to the Catholic ethos of the school?

Read more on why you should consider Slí Nua Careers for Interview Training HERE

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