Questions candidates get asked - School Principal
Questions candidates get asked in job interviews: School Principal

We deal with hundreds of clients going for job interview each year – and we’re constantly asking them what they get asked. This a collection of those very questions. We update it on an ongoing basis and hope you find it useful. If you would like to submit to us questions you’ve been asked, email


These are actual questions asked of our clients in job interviews

  • Regarding your teaching style, with say a third year class not in the first strand – students at say upper level of ordinary level pushing towards lower level of higher level range – what would you do on last class of Friday evening in Irish?
  • What do you think of Assessment for Learning; what do you think it is useful for?
  • What do you think of Junior Cycle reform?
  • I notice you have a wide variety of studies on your CV. You did business in 2003, can you take us forward from there?
  • Why was it a natural career progression to do the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)?
  • What topics were the focus of your Irish degree?
  • Tell us about your most recent qualification that qualifies you for this job?
  • What kind of leadership style do you have?
  • How can you get everybody on board with your ideas?
  • Imagine you’re three months in the job, what kind of changes would we see?
  • Scenario: There are six children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school.  The school does not have a special class and six teachers come to you asking for children to be removed from mainstream classes due to behaviour and put into a special class.  What would you do if three parents agree with the suggestion of the teachers and three do not?
  • Scenario: The Christmas play is being organised and one teacher has a pupil who has been told they cannot have a part due to their behaviour. The teacher says that it has been more than one incident and it is ongoing. The parent comes to you very upset.  How would you handle this?
  • How have you dealt with conflict with colleagues?
  • Scenario: A Special Needs Assistant comes to you saying the ‘newly qualified’ teacher in the class cannot handle the class at all and they are fed up having to handle the classroom management.  How do you deal with this?
  • Scenario: It’s November, Term 1, a Special Needs Assistant comes to you looking to be moved as he/she is not getting on with the class teacher.  Would you move them?
  • What do you think of the Special Education Model 2017?  Is it good?
  • Tell us about a successful initiative you were involved in?
  • How would you promote the standing of the school in the community?
  • How can you forge stronger links with the other schools in the community?
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force since May 2018,  how would you handle this issue?  What things do you need to be looking at? Do you need to change anything?
  • The Admissions to Schools policy is now in force,  what would your school need to be aware of?
  • Ás Gaeilge:  How would you promote the use of Irish in the school?
  • Have you any final questions or is there anything else you want to say, that we may not have covered?
  • Have you got any questions for us?

Read more on why you should consider Slí Nua Careers for Interview Training HERE

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