Questions candidates get asked in job interviews

We deal with hundreds of clients going for job interviews each year – and we follow up with them to find out what kind of questions they were asked. Here is a collection of those very questions. This is a new addition to our site so it is still a work in progress. We will update it on an ongoing basis and we hope you find it useful. If you would like to submit to us questions you’ve been asked at job interview, email Below are links to pages regarding individual roles and questions that showed up during interviews for those roles:

Deputy Principal

  • Regarding your school-based experience, what would your students say about you?
  • How would you motivate disinterested students?
  • How would you manage discipline, including low misdemeanor incidents?

More Deputy Principal questions


  • Regarding your teaching style, with say a third year class not in the first strand – students at say upper level of ordinary level pushing towards lower level of higher level range – what would you do on last class of Friday evening in Irish?
  • What do you think of Assessment for Learning; what do you think it is useful for?
  • What do you think of Junior Cycle reform?

More  Principal questions

Primary School Teacher

  • What personal qualities do you bring?
  • Why primary over secondary?
  • Why teaching?

More  Primary School Teacher questions

Assistant Principal

  • Briefly talk me through your education, work experience and any voluntary or charity work you do?
  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Why have you applied for the job?

More  Assistant Principal questions

Special Needs Assistant

  • Tell us about your career to date.
  • What are your career goals?
  • Why  do you want to work in xxx School?

More Special Needs Assistant questions


General – drawn from various sectors

  • Why should we hire you? Why do you think you’re the right person for this job?
  • What unique qualities or abilities would you bring to this job? Could you give me an example of how you displayed each of these qualities in your current job? In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
  • What aspects of your previous experience do you think will be most helpful to you in this role? Is there any unique experience that would be likely to be of benefit to you in this position. Please outline this.

More General drawn from various sectors questions

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    Describe your current goal (Required field + select more than one if you wish)
    I want to make a 180 degree career changeI want to enjoy work moreI wish to improve my time managementI need to improve my work-life balanceI need to stop obsessing about work - let goNot really sure - need to talk

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