We prepare teachers for competency-based and traditional interviews


You have an interview coming up, and you need to sharpen up so you can give the best possible account of yourself. After a two-hour Skype or phone session with us, you will be on the right road to interview success. Yes, we do evening appointments. Each session costs €260 (including 23% VAT), and includes:


  1. Full analysis of what the school is looking for – form filled by you before you come to the session ensures maximum return for you
  2. Complete assessment of how you meet those needs
  3. Mock Interview scenarios using language that convinces the school interview panel you have what they’re looking for
  4. Our extensive written and audio follow-up




Duration: Two hours (cost of call is borne by you – but, if you’ve Skype it’s free. Plus if you have a webcam, we can see each other on the Skype option, which can help in this kind of training situation. To set up Skype, all you need is broadband, a headset, and, if you wish, a webcam. Go to www.Skype.com to download Skype free of charge.


Cost: €260 (including 23% VAT) (includes written follow-up, plus full audio recording of the session emailed to you). Payment can be made HERE either now, or just before your appointment.


The approach we recommend is that, when preparing for the Interview, you focus on what the Employer/College is looking for. Use the job specification to write down the list of requirements for the post. When you’ve compiled that list – and only then – you outline the experience, education, and attributes you possess to fulfil the Employer/College requirements.


You use one of the forms HERE to help you in this regard, depending on whether you are likely to be doing a competency-based interview or a traditional one. ‘Once you’ve filled out the form in your own time, you undertake the training session with us and we prepare you to go into the Interview and tell the Employer/College how you fit the bill. During and after the session, we help you expand the information in the form, and this acts as your constant companion in the build-up to the interview.


For traditional interviews, we prepare you using the Four Step Method. For competency-based interviews, we deploy the START Method.


Click HERE to preview the Structure of our Skype Interview Training Sessions.