You’re a teacher on the career trail.

Perhaps you’re looking for crucial early experience after qualifying, or you’re hoping to take on your first leadership role, or you’re already on the leadership ladder and you want to go further up – maybe you’re aiming to become a Principal.

Our FREE eBook will help you in a variety of ways:

How to learn the lessons from your teaching job hunt

How to put yourself in the school leadership picture

How to make your overseas experience work at home

How to write better application forms

How to do more persuasive job interviews

We have vast experience of helping teachers to advance their careers.

We work with newly qualified teachers all the way up to those chasing principal positions.

CV Writing

Think of your CV as your Personal Sales Brochure highlighting your unique selling points. A trailer for a film, if you like. Make yours so engaging the employer can’t wait to see you. Put yourself ahead of the competition.

Interview Preparation

Our two-hour Interview Training Programme will revolutionise your interview performance. Convince the employer. You won’t realise how much you needed this training programme, until you’ve done it.

Career Planning & Direction

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Careers can be hard work, if you’ll excuse the pun. Our coaches help you to make a logical plan that sets you off in the right direction.

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